DREAM ON............

Author: Unknown / Labels: , , , , , ,

Copyright - Prabin Khaling.


People say I dream a lot.
But by dreaming,
I don't mean to say I am a dreamer.
People say life is beautiful
Yet, hardship supersedes.
I work, I pray, I live,
Yet, I die everyday.
Though life is realistic,
But at the end
Everything is a dream.
Today you are born,
Tomorrow you are dead.
Life has completed several stages.
Stages of absurd reality
Devoid of peace.
And I dream on,
But by dreaming,
I don,t mean to say I am a dreamer.

The dream accompanied me to "Eden",
The garden of Utopia.
To the Alps and lonely island.
And by the lagoon,
I flew on and on.
Slowly I did flow above the clouds,
Brighter was the sky
Gentler was the sun.
And down the valleys,
Beneath the murmuring cataract
Through the bluest stream.
I saw a reflection,
In reflection I found myself,
I found reality in my dreams.
And yet devoid of peace,
I still dream on.
But by dreaming,
I don't mean to say I am just a dreamer.............!!!

Reference :
"People say I dream a lot.
But by dreaming,
I don't mean to say I am a dreamer". - John Lennon.


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